Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yes it is snow!

Just so you know...this is spring in Calgary! The season when our weather is completely unpredictable. Three days before this we had brilliant sunshine and +23c and then yesterday this! When you leave for work in the morning you'd better be prepared for every eventuality because the weather can turn on a dime!


  1. Oh my! It's already so hot here I am using my air conditioning. I can't believe it is still snowing there! Amazing!

  2. Oh my God...I'd never be prepared for this kind of surprise. And I thought Montreal's weather is bad...

    I'll send lots of sunshine to your way.

  3. I'm highly impressed with all your snow! Brrr

  4. can you please mail some snow to Delhi... I am burning... with the temperature soaring to 42C already....

    I am officially jealous of everyone living in Calgary hehehhe :)

  5. oooh, that's like in Finland years ago!

    Here in Cairo, today's forcast is +33, we'll see...

  6. So, I won't complain anymore, I swear !
    Have a nice day, Chicken, with or without snow, you're used to, You.

  7. Cool shot, I knew that at some stage we'd be getting an exotic photo shot! It's cold and rainy and dreary here...

  8. Goodness, that's astounding. I've been grumbling about rain. This is so beautiful tho. So fresh. A lovely shot.

  9. I heard on the new that you got snow. EW! It's nearly May!

  10. Wow, we are enjoying such a beautiful spring and you have to struggle with snow! But it's beautiful;)Nice shot.

  11. From 23ºC to this amount of snow in 24h??? OMG this is crazy! :-)
